Louis Meyers Photo

Your Voice for Health Care

● 30 years of experience as a physician in primary care and hospital medicine
● Master's Degree in Social Work (Catholic University)
● M.D. (George Washington University Medical School)

Why I'm Running

  • Healthcare

    I am running for the state senate in Chittenden County in order to bring my 30 years of experience as a physician to focus on our failing healthcare system. Vermont’s health care costs are rising faster than any state in the nation, and that huge amount of money is enriching a few healthcare administrators but is not bringing improved care to the majority of Vermonters. Our current system is unacceptable…We can do better than this. 
    I oppose the efforts by Senator Ginny Lyons to deauthorize the Green Mountain Care Board. I also oppose the efforts by Ms. Lyons to enter Vermont into the Ahead program, a nine-year agreement with the federal government to continue the failed OneCare model. This has already wasted hundreds of millions of dollars, and Vermont’s health care system has suffered the consequences. I believe that we need Vermont-based solutions for our Vermont health care system. 
    It is time for new voices and a new approach to health care in Vermont. I ask for your support.

  • Education

    The funding for education in Vermont is far too complicated, and resembles a Rubik's cube. We need to make it simpler - and less reliant on the property tax assessments.

    We need to accept that the schools are here to educate, and cannot provide for every social service that children need. And we should realize that it makes little sense to have one of the best K-12 systems in the country if our young graduates can then not afford to live in Vermont.

    Let’s keep as much of the good as we can - while right-sizing the rest.

  • Ethics

    Vermont has one of the weakest Ethics Boards in the country, and as a result a number of unfortunate situations have occurred. If elected to the state senate, I intend to push for much tougher Ethics oversight, so that government officials are less tempted toward corruption and backroom deals.

  • Housing

    The shortage and expense of housing in Vermont is a major challenge to those who live here, and those who might want to move to Vermont. It is a major deterrent to economic growth. The problem is clearly a national one, and not limited to Vermont. And the solutions should be drawn both locally and from other states.

    1) Serious efforts are now being made in the legislature to revising Act 250, which is somewhat unique to Vermont, and which has severely limited new housing starts. We need to find solutions which are effective compromises.

    2) The legislature is also working on allowing more AUD’s (accessory dwelling units), which will help family members and people on fixed incomes to find safe housing.

    3) New York State this year passed major legislation which gives tax breaks to developers who build affordable rental housing, while also imposing restrictions on the rent raises they can charge renters. Let’s think about that for Vermont.

    4) More focus needs to be on building housing in our smaller cities and towns outside of Chittenden County. Land and labor costs tend to be lower, and the new housing will help to reverse population decline and build economic prosperity throughout our state.

  • Public Safety

    Public safety is a broad rubric, but it begins with effective policing. This includes proper ongoing training and adequate staffing. The unfortunate demands to “Defund the police” have left Vermont - and especially Burlington - significantly short of police, and this has certainly contributed to the rise in serious crimes. I previously worked for several years as a probation officer, so I have some professional experience in the field of criminal justice.

    We need an intensive recruitment, but also will need to consider consolidating some of our very small rural departments, as they are finding it nearly impossible to staff up.

    The courts need to reexamine their policies on bail, moving away from cash bail and relying on magistrates and judges to use prudence, common sense, and consistency, with an emphasis on protecting the community.

    Illicit drug use and the drug trade have clearly contributed to the rise in violent crimes.

    I would advocate for drug court and treatment diversion for drug users, and significant criminal penalties for drug pushers.
    We all want a Vermont which is safe and secure and allows people to actively pursue their goals in life.

  • Gambling

    A number of states have rushed to approve legalized gambling. They did so in hopes of boosting state revenues. One result has been a sharp increase in gambling addiction, particularly in people who now instantaneously place bets via cell phone. 
    Life savings can quickly disappear.
    I would not vote to legalize gambling in Vermont. There are better and healthier ways to raise state revenue.

Please consider contributing to my campaign


Contact Me:

Phone: 802-922-1928
Email: moc.liamg%401sreyemsiuol